WILKES COUNTY, NC - We would like to first and foremost congratulate the entire Class of 2020 on their success throughout their educational journey. You deserve immense recognition for staying focused on your goals during this pandemic. Earning a diploma in this time shows your tenacious character. You have shown that you can persevere, be flexible and resilient with whatever life hands you, no matter the circumstances. We wish you lifelong success and the best of luck on your future academic paths.
Being a part of the community is more than just providing service to the people who live here. RiverStreet Networks, is committed to supporting the people and organizations that aim to make Wilkes County a strong place to live and work. Our continual goal is to improve the community and it is important to invest in our future. For the past 13 years, RiverStreet Networks has contributed multiple scholarships to graduating seniors in our service area. We are proud to have granted over $300,000 to help students achieve their goals.
Thank all of our applicants for their very thoughtful responses. Thank you to the Board of Directors for taking the time to review each application and thoughtfully select our winners.
“We wish you nothing but success in your educational endeavors in the future," commented Eric Cramer, CEO/President, Wilkes Communications/RiverStreet Networks.